Big bundle of Musical fun for kids, nursery rhymes, songs, music and sound effect
Rebecca Hayes Yurkanin
Get instant access to many songs from nursery rhymes and classic kids music (such as Bingo, Twinkle little star, row your boat, Mary had a little lamb, wheels on the bus and much more). Also included are several sound effects, music clips, even Christmas music that are not only royalty free but are instantly downloadable.
Bonus kids videos included too.
Not just for kids, adults will enjoy listening and can use any of these audio files for their own projects.
Get this bundle for only $5.99.
As with most of our products, you will need to unzip/extract these files. There are plenty of free software programs to do this, including WinRAR.
If you have any issues after purchase, please contact us promptly, and we will help you quickly navigate through any problems that you are having.
1.7 GB
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